Men's health is concerned with identifying,preventing, and treating conditions that are most common or specific to men." 1. "The sex ratio for the entire world population is 101 males to 100 females. However, in developed countries, there are more females than males." 2. (Sex Differences in Humans-Wikipedia) Men live, on average, seven years less than women; life expectancy in the United States is 72 years for men and 79 years for women." 3. "Mens life expectancy is seven(7) years shorter than women's [National Center for Health Statistics--males 72.3 years vs females 79 years] yet receive only 35% of government expenditures for health care and medical costs." (Twenty Four Indicators of Systemic Discrimination Against Men", 4. "The reasons for this discrepancy are not completely understood. Men may have some genetic predisposition for lower life expectancy, as women tend to outlive men in most areas throughout the world. But men,also, have different lifestyle patterns that increase the wear and tear on their bodies. Studies have shown that men tend to drink and smoke more than women, men obtain medical care less frequently than women; and, men, generally, have more stressful habits. It is clear to health professionals that men can benefit from increased knowledge of male medical issues and by understanding how lifestyle choices impact health." 5. "Men's health is significantly neglected compared to women's health." 6. "All male fitness and well being indicators are in a drastic decline." 7. "Though all aspects of male health and well being are in decline, there is no Council On Men and Boys nor a Federal Office On Mens Health while women now have at least seven the last time if checked." 8. "Men's health is significantly neglected compared to women's health. In the 1920s men died one year younger than women (the rate women died in childbirth was almost equal to the rate men died in war). Today, men die 5 years younger than women and have higher death rates for all 10 leading causes of death. Men also account for about 85% of homeless adults, 90% of prisoners, 65% of dropouts, 80% of suicide deaths, and 92% of occupational deaths. (Warren Farrell, Ph.D., "The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are the Disposable Sex." ------ Despite these figures, there is still no federal office of men's health though there are about 7 federal offices of women's health.Most states and local governments have offices of women's health but not men's health (only Georgia has an office of men's health).The government has long spent multiple times more on breast cancer than prostate cancer research,despite nearly equal mortality rates." 9. "Male suicide has skyrocketed in the last 30 years, especially among young men and divorced men.Men are also more likely than women to have mental disabilities but less likely than women to receive treatment, especially in prisons." 10. "Men's suicide rate is 4.6 times higher than women's. [Dept. Health Human Services-26,710 males vs. 5,700 females]" 11.
It is apparent, that men's suicide rate vary considerably over time and according to source. "Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis, for religious and medical reasons, performed on 60% of newborn males in the United States. Increasing controversy surrounds this procedure. Advocates of circumcision claim it prevents infections (called balanitis) on the head of the penis and reduces chances of penile cancer. Opponents of circumcision claim that the outdated procedure affords no medical benefits, that it causes unnecessary pain for infants, and that the lack of a fore-skin may reduce sexual pleasure and performance." 12. "A growing body of evidence is pointing toward the deleterious impact of masculinity (and hegeonic masculinity in particular) on men's health seeking behavior. American men make 134.5 million fewer physician visits than American women each year. In fact, men make only 40.8% of all physician visits, that is, if women's visits for pregnancy childbirth and associate obstetrical and gynecological visits are included. A quarter of the men who are 45 to 60 do not have a personal physician. Many men should go to annual heart checkups with physicians but do not, increasing their risk of death from heart disease. Men between the ages of 25 and 65 are four times more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than women. Men are more likely to be diagnosed in a later stage of terminal illness because of their reluctance to go to the doctor. Reasons men give for not having annual physicals and not visiting their physician include fear, denial, embarrassment, a dislike of situations out of their control, or not worth the time or cost. " 13. "Today,men die 5 years younger than women and have higher death rates for all 10 leading causes of death." 14. "Life Expectancy: Men's life expectancy is seven (7) years shorter than women's [ National Center for health Statistics--males 72.3 yrs vs females 79 years] yet receive only 35% of government expenditures for health care and medical costs." 15. "More than four times as many men as women commit suicide. More men that women die from heart disease, cancerous cysts, cerebrovascular diseases, accidents and adverse effects, obstructive lung disease, pneumonia and influenza, diabetes mellitus, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, hardening of the arteries, inflammation of the kidneys, blood infections, deaths around the time of birth and AIDS, For every woman that dies from AIDS, 9.1 men die." 16. "Men account for more than 95% of workplace fatalities." 17. "According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the 10 leading causes of death for men in the United States are: 1. Heart Disease 2. Cancer 3. Stroke 4. Accidents 5. Lung Disease (including emphysema and chronic bronchitis) 6. Pneumonia 7. Diabetes 8. Suicide 9. Liver Disease 10. Homicides Men also suffer regularly from conditions as diverse as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), mental illness, arthritis, urinary tract infections, athletic injuries, hair and scalp problems, and digestive disorders. The field of men's health strives to reduce the risks and incidence of men's conditions by researching preventative practices, designing testing procedures for early detection, and recommending specialized courses of treatment." 18. The following includes a discussion of those medical conditions that are, relatively speaking, specific for men only. PREVENTION "Preventative practices for men's health emphasize diet, exercise, and stress management, as well as the elimination of risky behaviors like smoking and excessive drinking. Four of the leading causes of death for American men are related to diet-heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. In addition, men are more likely than women to suffer from diet-related conditions including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and obesity, all of which increase the risk of certain diseases and premature death. For American men, dietary problems are usually not the result of getting too little nourishment but of eating too much fat, sugar,and overall calories. The dietary change most likely to improve the health of males is reduced intake of fats, particularly cholesterol and saturated fats. Cholesterol and and saturated fats are found mainly in meat and dairy products. Calories from from fat should amount to no more than 30% of total daily calories. Eating adequate protein is, generally, not a problem for American men, so replacing some dairy and meat consumption with high fiber vegetable proteins such as beans and soy would be beneficial. Complex carbohydrates should provide the bulk of daily calories, such as those from whole grains and legumes, while sugar intake should be significantly reduced, such as in soft drinks, deserts and processed foods. Increasing dietary fiber is recommended by eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Other principles of a healthy diet are avoiding artificial and processed foods, eating food that is as fresh and natural as possible, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, which contain unhealthy substances called trans-fatty acids. Overeating should be avoided as should snacking between meals Alcohol intake should be limited to one or two glasses per day." 19. Male Urinary Tract Problems "The urinary system includes the kidneys and bladder, the ureters between the kidneys and the bladder,and the urethra, the tube through which urine flows from the bladder. Symptoms of urinary tract problems include frequent urination, weak urination, blood in the urine, excessive urination at night, painful or burning urination, or incontinence (involuntary loss of urine). Urethritis is infection of the urethra, which is a major symptom of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis) is another urinary tract problem accounting for nearly one out of 100 hospital admissions in the United States. Eighty percent of kidney stone patients are men. About 12% of American men will develop kidney stones during their lifetimes. Kidney stones cause extreme pain when they move from the kidneys into the ureters. Ten percent of kidney stone cases require surgery. The best prevention for kidney stones in drinking plenty of fluids daily." 20. Heart Disease "Heart disease is the major cause of death among men.------ Heart disease can take take several forms but the most prevalent is coronary heart disease, in which the blood vessels that supply the heart with oxygen become blocked and the heart becomes increasingly stressed.---- Arteriosclerosis, a major factor, is the hardening of the arteries due to the accumulation of fats and other substances.---- Hypertension, of high blood pressure also poses major risks for both heart disease and stroke.---- Angina pectoris is the chest pain associated with the early stages of heart disease.---- When the blockage of blood supply to the heart becomes severe, a myocardia infarction (heart attack) may occur, which can be fatal. The main symptom of angina pectoris is sharp pain on the left side of the chest that may radiate throughout the upper body. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue, and swelling of the legs and ankles. Angina may be triggered by physical or emotional stress and lasts up to 30 minutes. Heart attacks have similar symptoms but with longer and more intense pain in the chest and upper body and may be accompanied by cold sweats and vomiting. The American Heart Association lists the main risk factors for heart disease as being male, old age, having a family history of the disease, smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, alcoholism, obesity, physical inactivity, and stress. Clearly, lifestyle habits such as diet, exercise and stress control play major roles in the development and prevention of heart disease in men." 21. The Male Reproductive System "The male reproductive system includes the penis, testicles, scrotum, prostate and other organs. Problems include orchitis, or infection of the testicles, and hydrocele, the build up of fluid on the testicles. Epididymitis is inflammation of the tube that transports sperm from the testicles, and can cause severe pain, swelling, and fever. A varicocele is a group of varicose veins in the scrotum that can cause swelling and damage sperm. Peyronie's disease is the abnormal curvature of the penis caused by accumulated scar tissue. Testicular torsion is considered a medical emergency, when a testicle becomes twisted and blood supply is cut off. This condition can lead to permanent damage if not treated quickly. It is most common in males between that ages of 12 and 18. Prostatitis is infection or inflammation of the prostate gland. Sexually transmitted diseases include genital warts, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, hepatitis and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). HIV is the leading cause for death for American men between the ages of 25 and 45. Symptoms of STDs include discharge of fluid from the penis, painful urination,sores, lesions, itching, or rashes in the genital area and swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin. Prevention of STDs begins with safe sexual behavior: wearing condoms, limiting the number of sexual partners, not mixing sexual encounters with alcohol, and avoiding sexual contact with infected people, prostitutes and intravenous drug users. Men who engage in risky behaviors should have frequent HIV tests and medical examinations." 22. Male Sexual Health "Erectile dysfunction (ED), also called impotence, is a man's inability to maintain an erection for sexual intercourse. It is estimated that half of all men over 40 experience ED occasionally and 20 million American men are chronic suffers, particularly older men as ED increases with age. Up to 80% of ED is caused by physical problems, while 20% of cases are psychogenic, or psychological in origin. Causes of ED include hormonal problems, injuries, nerve damage, diseases, infections, diabetes, stress, depression, anxiety, drug abuse and interactions with prescription drugs. A self-test men can perform to determine whether ED is physical or psychological is the stamp test, or nocturnal penile tumescence test. Physically healthy men experience several prolonged erections during sleep. The stamp test is done by attaching a strip of stamps around the penis at bedtime. If the stamps are torn in the morning, it generally indicates that nocturnal (nightly) erections have occurred and thus ED is not physiological. Men with ED should see urologists for further diagnosis and discussion of the several treatment options available including drugs, hormone injections and surgical repair or implants." 23. "Infertility occurs when men lack an adequate supply of sperm to cause pregnancy. A World Health Organization project found that in about 20% of infertile couples, the problem was due to the man, while in another 27% of couples both partners had infertility problems. Injuries, birth defects, infections, environmental pollutants, chronic stress, drug abuse and hormonal problems may account for male infertility, while one in four cases has no apparent cause and is termed idiopathic infertility. Declining sperm counts have been observed in industrialized countries; and, possible explanations for this decrease are as diverse as increased environmental pollutants to the use of plastic diapers, which a German study claims damages infant testicles by keeping them in excess heat. Male infertility can be diagnosed by sperm analysis, blood tests and radiographic scans of the testicles and other tests." 24. A more complete discussion of the decline in both the quality and quantity of sperm in men is outlined in Chapter 6 of this book entitled "Masculinity in Decline." "Other types of sexual dysfunction include premature ejaculation, in which men cannot sustain intercourse long enough to bring their partners to a climax, and retarded ejaculation (also called male orgasmic disorder) when male orgasm becomes difficult. Some men have periods of inadequate sexual desire (hypoactive sexual desire disorder), while sexual aversion disorder (SAD) is fear and repulsion of sexual activity. Dyspareunia is painful intercourse, and should be reported to physicians as it may indicated STDs or infections. In addition to medical care, sexual dysfunction may be treated by sexual therapy or psychotherapy depending on its causes." 25. "Vasectomies, a form of male birth control, are surgical operations that sever the tubes that transport sperm from the testicles. Vasectomies can be reversed but ten percent of men become infertile due to the surgery. Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis for religious and medical reasons performed on 60% of newborn males in he United States. Increasing controversy surrounds this procedure. Advocates of circumcision claim it prevents infections (called balanitis) on the head of the penis and reduces chances of penile cancer. Opponents of circumcision claim that the outdated procedure affords no medical benefits, that it causes unnecessary pain for infants, and that the lack of a fore-skin may reduce sexual pleasure and performance. " 26. Illness and Injury "Certain diseases and conditions are clearly sex related in that they are caused by the same chromosomes that regulate sex differentiation. Some conditions are X-linked recessive, in that the gene is carried on the X chromosome. Genetic females (XX) will show symptoms of the disease only if both their X chromosomes are defective with a similar deficiency. Whereas, genetic males (XY) will show symptoms of the disease if their only X chromosome is defective. (A woman may carry such a disease on one X chromosome but not show symptoms if the other X chromosome works sufficiently.) For this reason, such conditions are far more common in males than in females. X-linked recessive disorders include: 1. Red-green color blindness 2. Haemophilia A ( factor VIII) 3. Haemophilia B (factor IX) 4. Duchenne muscular dystrophy 5. Becker muscular dystrophy 6. Non-specific X-linked mental retardation. X-linked dominant disorders include: 1. Xg blood group 2. Vitamin D resistant rickets 3. Rett's syndrome 4. Fragile X syndrome There are diseases that are caused by a defective Y chromosome or of a defective number of them." 27. Differences not linked to sex chromosomes: "The World Health Organization (WHO) has produced a number of reports on gender and health. The following trends are shown: 1. Overall rates of mental illness are similar for men and women. There is no significant gender difference in rates of schizophrenia and bipolar depression. Women are more likely to suffer from unipolar depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Men are more likely to suffer from alcoholism, antisocial personality disorder and developmental psychiatric disorders such as autism spectrum disorders and Tourette syndrome. 2. Women are more likely to suffer from depression. This is biologically explained by the serotonin levels of men being 52% higher than in women. 3. While men are more likely to suffer from alcoholism, women are more prone to addiction. This is because estrogen boosts the release of dopamine in the brain regions important for regulating drug seeking behavior which makes women more vulnerable to dependence. (Sex Differences in Humans-Wikipedia) 4. The prevalence of schizophrenia is not significant between the sexes. However, there is a difference in the brain structures related to the same. Women naturally have a higher orbitofrontal-to-amygdala ratio (OAR) than men. However, this is not the case in schizophrenic women (lower OAR) which makes sense. Men with schizophrenia, however, have a higher orbitofrontal-to-amygdala ratio than that of healthy men, which does not make sense. However, the difference is found in the human brain nonetheless. 5. Before menopause, women are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease. However, after the age of 60, the risk for both men and women is the same. 6. Overall, men are more likely to suffer from cancer with much of this driven by lung cancer. In most countries, more men than women smoke, although this gap is narrowing, especially among young women. 7. Women are twice as likely to be blind as men. In developed countries, this may be linked to higher life expectancy and age-related conditions. In developing countries, women are less likely to get timely treatments for conditions that lead to blindness such as cataracts and trachoma. 8. Women are more likely to suffer from osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Infectious disease prevalence varies. This is largely due to culture and exposure factors. In particular,the WHO notes that: a. Worldwide, more men than women are infected with HIV. The exception is sub-Saharan Africa where more women than men are infected. b. Adult males are more likely to be diagnosed with tuberculosis. Some other sex-related health differences include: a. Anterior cruciate ligament injuries, especially in basketball, occur more often in women than in men. b. From conception to death, but particularly before adulthood, females are, generally, less vulnerable than males to developmental difficulties and chronic illnesses. This could be due to females having two x chromosomes instead of just one and/or due to the reduced exposure to testosterone." 28.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Biology and Gender
Sexual Reproduction in Humans "The human genome consists of two copies of each of 23 chromosomes (a total of 46). One set of 23 comes from the mother and one set comes from the father. Of these 23 pairs of chromosomes, 22 are autosomes, and one is a sex chromosome. There are two kinds of sex chromosomes- "X" and "Y". In humans and in almost all other mammals, females carry two X chromosomes, designated XX; and, males carry one X and one Y, designated XY." 1. "A human egg contains only one set of 23 chromosome and is said to be haploid. When an egg and sperm fuse at fertilization, the two sets of chromosomes come together for form a unique "diploid" individual with 46 chromosomes." 2. (Sex Differences in Humans- Wikipedia). "The sex chromosome in a human egg is always an X chromosome since a female only has X chromosomes. In sperm, about half the sperm have an X chromosome and half have a Y chromosome. If an egg fuses with a sperm with a Y chromosome, the resulting individual is usually male. If the egg fuses with a sperm with an X chromosome, the resulting individual is usually female. An egg's sex chromosome is always an X so it is the sperm's sex chromosome that determines an individual's sex. There are rare exceptions to this rule in which, for example, XX individuals develop as men or XY individuals develop as females." 3. "In mankind, the sex of an individual is generally determined at the time of fertilization by the genetic material carried in the sperm cell. If a sperm cell carrying an X chromosome fertilizes the egg, the offspring will typically be female (XX); if a sperm cell carrying a Y chromosome fertilizes the egg, the offspring will typically be male (XY)." 4. "The SRY gene on the Y chromosome interferes with the process of creating a female, causing a chain of events that leads to testes formation, androgen production, and a range of both natal and post-natal hormonal effects." 5. "Persons whose anatomy or chromosomal makeup differ from this pattern are referred to as intersex. This is referred to as the XY sex-determination system and is typical of most mammals, but quite a few other sex-determination systems exist, including some that are non-genetic." 6. "The X-chromosome carries a larger number of genes in comparison to the Y-chromosome. In humans, X-chromosome inactivation enables males and females to have equal expression of the genes on the X-chromosome since females have two X-chromosomes while males have a single X and a Y chromosome. X-chromosome inactivation is random in the somatic cells of the body as either the maternal or paternal X-chromosome can become inactivated in each cell. Thusly, females are genetic mosaics. (Sex differences in humans-Wikipedia) This process is seen in all mammals and is, also, referred to as lyonisation ( after Mary Lyon who described the process in 1962). In the somatic cells of a developing female child, one of the X-chromosomes is shortened and condensed. The genes on this chromosome, therefore, can not be transcribed into an mRNA transcript and remain unread. These condensed structures can be seen as dark bodies under the microscope and and are commonly referred to as Barr bodies. In individuals with Klinefelter's syndrome (females:XXX, males:XXY) the extra X-chromosome is inactivated, resulting in two bar bodies." 7. Prominent Physical and Biological Differences Between Men and Women "A great deal is now known about the development of masculine characteristics and the process of sexual differentiation specific to the reproductive system of Homo Sapiens." 8. "Humans exhibit sexual dimorphism (two forms)(a term for the phenotypic differences between the males and females of the same species) in many characteristics, many of which have no direct link to reproductive ability, although most of these characteristics do have a role in sexual attraction. Most expressions of sexual dimorphism in humans are found in height, weight, and body structure, though there are always examples that do not follow the overall pattern. Obvious differences between men and women include all the features related to reproductive role, notably the endocrine (hormonal) systems and their physical, psychological and behavioral effects. For example, men tend to be taller than women but there are many people of both genders who are in the mid-height range for the species. Some examples of male secondary sexual characteristics in humans, those acquired as boys become men or even later in life are: 1. More pubic hair 2. More facial hair 3. Larger hands and feet than women 4. Broader shoulders and chest 5. Greater muscle mass 6. A more prominent Adam's apple and deeper voice 7. A longer shinbone." 9. Size, weight, and body shape "Externally, the most sexually dimorphic portions of the human body are the chest, the lower half of the face, and the area between the waist and the knees. Males weigh about 15% more than females, on average. For those older than 20 years of age, males in the US have an average weight of 86.1 kg (190 lbs). Whereas, females have an average weight of 74 kg (163 lbs). On average, men are taller than women, by about 15 cm ( 6 inches) American males who are 20 years of age or older have an average height of 175.8 cm ( 5.9 in). The average height of corresponding females is 162 cm ( 5 ft 4 in). On average, men have a larger waist in comparison to their hips (waist-hip ratio) than women. Women have a larger hip section than men, an adaption for giving birth to infants with large skulls. (Wikipedia-Sex Differences in Humans) Although sex is a binary dichotomy, with "male" and "female" representing opposite and complementary sex categories for the purpose of reproduction, a small number of individuals have an anatomy that does not conform to either male or female standards or contains features closely associated with both. Such individuals, described as intersexuals, are sometimes infertile but are often capable of reproducing." 10.(Wikipedia-Sex Differences in Humans) "The most obvious differences between males and females include all the features related to the reproductive role, notably the endocrine (hormonal) systems and their physiological and behavioral effects, including gonadal differentiation, internal and external genital and breast differentiation, and differentiation of muscle mass, height, and hair distribution." 11. (Wikipedia- Sex Differences in Humans) "The male reproductive system includes the penis, testicles, scrotum, prostate and other organs." 12. Skeletal and Muscular System Strength, Power and Muscle Mass "On average, males are physically stronger than females. The difference is due to females, on average, having less total muscle mass than males; and, also, having lower muscle mass in comparison to total body mass. While individual muscle fibers have similar strength, males have more fibers due to their greater total muscle mass. The greater muscle mass of males is, in turn, due to a greater capacity for muscular hypertrophy as a result of men's higher level of testosterone. Males remain stronger than females when adjusting for total body mass. This is due to the higher male muscle-mass to body-mass ratio. (Wikipedia- Sex Differences in Humans). As a result, gross measurements of body strength suggest an average 40-50% difference in upper body strength between the sexes as a result of this difference and a 20-30% difference in lower body strength. This is supported by another study that found that females are about 52-66 percent as strong as males in the upper body and about 70-80 percent as strong in the lower body. One study of muscle strength in the elbows and knees- in 45 and older males and females-found the strength of females to range from 42 to 63% of male strength." 13. (Sex Differences in Humans-Wikipedia) Skeleton "1. Males, on average, have denser, stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments. 2. In men, the second digit (index finger) tends to be shorter than the fourth digit (ring finger). While, in women, the second digit tends to be longer than the fourth. 3. Men have a more pronounced "Adam's Apple" or thyroid cartilage (and deeper voices) due to larger vocal cords. 4. On average, men have longer canine teeth than women. 5. Male skulls and head bones have a different shape than female skulls. One difference is in the roundness of the eye cavities. Another is the male's bony brow. Another is the shape of the jaw. 6. Male and female pelvises are shaped differently. The female pelvis features a wider pelvic cavity which is necessary when giving birth. The female pelvis has evolved to its maximum width for childbirth. An even wider pelvis would make women unable to walk. In contrast, human male pelves did not evolve to give birth and are, therefore, slightly more optimized for walking. The female pelvis is larger and broader than the male pelvis which is taller, narrower, and more compact. The female inlet is larger and oval in shape. While the male inlet is more heart shaped. 7. Contrary to popular belief, however, males and females do not differ in the number of ribs. Both have twelve pairs." 14. (Sex Differences in Humans-Wikipedia) Respiratory System "Males typically have larger tracheae and branching bronchi, with about 56 greater lung volume per body mass. They, also, have larger hearts, 10 percent higher red blood cell count, and higher haemoglobin, hence greater oxygen- carrying capacity. They, also, have higher circulating clotting factors (Vitamin K, prothrombin and platelets). These differences lead to faster healing of wounds and higher peripheral pain tolerance." 15. (Sex Differences in Humans-Wikipedia) Skin and Hair Skin "Male skin is thicker (more collagen) and oiler (more sebum) than female skin. The skin of females is warmer on average than that of males. Females tend to have more pain receptors per cm of skin than males." 16. Hair "On average, males have more body hair than females. Males have relatively more of the type of hair called terminal hair, especially on the face, chest, abdomen and back. In contrast, females have more vellus hair. Vellus hairs are smaller and, therefore, less visible. Baldness is much more common in males than in females. The main cause for this is male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia. Male pattern baldness is a condition where hair starts to get lost in a typical pattern of receding hairline and hair thinning on the crown. It is causes by hormones and genetic predisposition. 17. (Sex Differences in Humans-Wikipedia) Color "On average and after the end of puberty, males have darker hair than females and , according to most studies, they, also, have darker skin (male skin is, also, redder but this is due to greater blood volume rather than melanin). Male eyes are, also, more likely to be one of the darker eye colors. Conversely, women are lighter-skinned than men in all human populations. The differences in color are mainly caused by higher levels of melanin in the skin, hair and eyes in males. In one study, almost twice as many females as males had red or auburn hair. A higher proportion of females were also found to have blond hair, whereas males were more likely to have black or dark brown hair. Another study found green eyes, which are the result of lower melanin levels, to be much more common in women than in men by at least a factor of two. However, a more recent study found that while women, indeed, tend to have a lower frequency of black hair, men, on the other hand, had a higher frequency of red-blond hair, blue eyes and lighter skin. According to one theory, the cause for this is a higher frequency of genetic recombination in women than in men, possibly due to sex-linked genes, and as a result, women tend to show less phenotypical variation in any given population. Also, women tend to bleach or color their hair while men tend not to which would make the population of blond or red-haired women seem higher than what it is naturally. The human sexual dimorphism in color seems to be greater in populations that are medium in skin color than in very light or very dark colored populations." 18. (Sexual Differences in Humans-Wikipedia) Sexual Organs and reproductive systems "Men and women have different sex organs. Women have two ovaries that store the eggs and a uterus which is connected to the vagina. Men have testicles that produce sperm. The testicles are placed in the scrotum behind the penis. The male penis and scrotum are external extremities whereas the female sex organs are placed "inside" the body. Men's orgasm is nearly essential ( "nearly" as small groups of sperm can escape the penis before orgasm is reached) for production whereas female orgasm is not. The female orgasm was believed to have no obvious function other than to be pleasurable, although some evidence suggests that it may have evolved as a discriminatory advantage in regard to mate selection." 19. (Wikipedia- Sex Differences in Humans) Reproductive capacity and cost "Men typically produce billions of sperm each month many of which are capable of fertilization. Women typically produce one egg a month that can be fertilized into an embryo. Thus, during a lifetime, men are able to father a significantly greater number of children than women can give birth to. The most fertile woman, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, was the wife of Feodor Vassilyev of Russia (1707-1782), who had 69 surviving children. The most prolific father of all time is believed to be the last Sharifian Emperor of Morocco, Mulai Ismail (1646-1727) who reportedly fathered more than 800 children from a harem of 500 women." 20. Fertility "Female fertility declines after age 30 and ends with menopause. Pregnancy in the 40s or later has been associated with increased chance of Down's Syndrome in children. Men are capable of fathering children into old age. Parental age effects in the children include multiple sclerosis, autism,breast cancer, schizophrenia, and reduced intelligence. Adriana Ilescu was reported as the world's oldest woman to give birth at age 66. Her record stood until Maria del Carmen Bousada de Lara gave birth to twin sons at Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona, Spain on December 29, 2006, at the age of 67. In both cases, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) was used. The oldest known father was former Australian miner Les Colley who fathered a child at age 93." 21. (Sex Differences in Humans-Wikipedia) The Brain and Nervous System "Both genes and hormones affect the formation of human brains before birth as well as the behavior of adult individuals. Several genes that code for differences between male and female brains have been identified. In the human brain, a difference between the sexes was observed in the transcription of the PCDH11X/Y gene pair, a pair unique to Homo sapiens." 22. "Using brain mapping, it was shown that men have more than six times the amount of grey matter related to intelligence than women, and women have nearly ten times the amount of white matter related to intelligence than men." 23. "Notably, male brains contain about 6.5 times more gray matter--sometimes called "thinking matter" --than women. Female brains have more than 9.5 as much white matter, the stuff that connects various parts of the brain than male brains. That's not all. "The frontal area of the cortex and the temporal area of the cortex are more precisely organized in women, and are bigger in volume, "Geary tells WebMD. This difference in form may explain a lasting functional advantage that females seem to have over males: dominant language skills." 24. "Gray matter is responsible for processing information in the brain and white matter 'represents the connections between these processing centers,' according to the study. These differences might explain why men ' excel in tasks requiring more local processing like mathematics-while women tend to excel at integrating and assimilating information.' Women tend to process more information in their frontal lobes but this activity is dispersed through the male brain. ' " 25. "Other differences that have been established include greater length in males of myelinated axons in their white matter (176,000 km compared to 146,000 km); and 33% more synapses per mm (cube) of cerebral cortex. Another difference is that females, generally, have faster blood flow to their brains and lose less brain tissue as they age than males do." 26. "The amygdala, which is the structure that responds to emotionally arousing information, responds to the environment and reacts with stress.The male amygdala is proportionately larger in men than in women causing sex to be a determining factor in reactions to stress. In studies of rats, there are more numerous interconnections seen in males in regard to this structure, suggesting the same pattern in humans." 27. "The hippocampus is proven by imaging to be larger in women than men. The hippocampus is crucial for memory storage and spatial mapping of the physical environment. A difference in behavior shown may be because of this particular structure variation between the sexes. Studies show that women are more likely to navigate using land marks while men are more likely to estimate distance in space or orientation.----- Chronic stress is dealt with better by females." 28. "It has been argued that the Y chromosome is primarily responsible for males being more susceptible to mental illness. Several psychological studies contradict this, however, as it has been found that women are, actually, more than twice as likely as men to be susceptible to depressive episodes and generalized anxiety and additionally that progesterone levels in females actually stall the body's ability to turn off stressor hormones resulting women entering depressive episodes at even lower levels of stress than men." 29. (Wikipedia- Sex Differences in Humans) "There is a mean difference in mean IQ in favor of men of about 5 points. The further you go up the distribution the more skewed it becomes. There are twice as many men with an IQ of 120 plus as there are women, There are 30 times the number of men with an IQ of 170-plus as there are women." 30. (Irwing 2006) "Almost 40,000 selected seventh-grade students from the Middle Atlantic region of the United States took the College Board Scholastic Aptitude Test as part of the Johns Hopkins regional talent search in 1980, 1981, and 1982. A separate nationwide talent search was conducted in which any student under age 13 who was willing to take the test was eligible. The results obtained by both procedures establish that by age 13 a large sex difference in mathematical reasoning ability exists and that it is especially pronounced at the high end of the distribution: among students who scored greater than or equal to 700, boys outnumbered girls 13 to 1. Some hypothesized explanations of such differences were not supported by the data." 31. "IQ stands for intelligence quotient. Supposedly, it is a score that tells one how "bright" a person is compared to other people. The average IQ is by definition 100. Scores above 100 indicate a higher than average IQ. Scores below 100 indicate a lower than average IQ. Theoretically, scores can range any amount below or above 100; however, in practice,they do not meaningfully go much below 50 or above 150. Half of the population have IQ's of between 90 and 110. Twenty five percent have higher IQ's and twenty five percent have lower IQ's. Descriptive Classification of Intelligence Quotients IQ Description % of Population 130 plus Very Superior 2.2% 120-129 Superior 6.7% 110-119 High average 16.1% 90-109 Average 50% 80-89 Low average 16.1% 70-79 Borderline 6.7% Below 70 Extremely low 2.2% Apparently, the IQ gives a good indication of the occupational group that a person will end up in, though not, of course, the specific occupation. In their book, Know Your Child's IQ, Glen Wilson and Diana Grylls outline occupations typical of various IQ levels: 140 Top Civil Servants; Professors and Research Scientists. 130 Physicians and Surgeons; Lawyers; Engineers (Civil and Mechanical). 120 School Teachers; Pharmacists; Accountants; Nurses; Stenographers; Managers. 110 Foreman; Clerks; Telephone Operators; Salesmen; Policemen; Electricians. 100 plus Machine Operators; Shopkeepers; Butchers; Welders; Sheet Metal Workers. 100 minus Warehouse men; Carpenters; Cooks and Bakers; Small Farmers; Truck and Van Drivers. 90 Laborers; Gardeners; Upholsterers; Farm hands; Miners; Factory Packers." 32. Given the relative and absolute number of men in the higher IQ ranges, one would expect a disproportionate relative and absolute number of men in those occupations associated with the same. However, feminists, jurists, and the political body of the USA and other nations have unjustly attributed this disparity to intentional and or unintentional gender discrimination against women. Dramatic Orwellian Affirmative action and other overt and covert programs to unjustly give women those educational and employment opportunities that justly, because of both ability and effort, belong to men have resulted in significant decreases in productivity and efficiency through out the American economy and those of other nations which had adapted these authoritarian and Machiavellian precepts. Associated with the same are socio-cultural break down and decreased and/or stagnant average incomes, income growths, job security, the average wealth of all Americans, and well as the stagnation of and/or decline of other economic indicators. All male fitness and well being indicators are in a drastic decline. Though all aspects of male health and well being are in decline, there is no Council On Men and Boys nor a Federal Office On Mens Health while women now have at least seven.
Our young men are turned out into a society in which the masculine culture has been destroyed. When will we as a young nation recognize that even Ancient Rome fell because of the type of internal moral, ethical, and spiritual decay of the qualities that made men strong, their families; and, ultimately, their nation strong? The reality of the situation is this-the American Male is under attack; psychologically,emotionally, and spiritually. The traditional male virtues have been denigrated. All male fitness and well being indicators are in a drastic decline. Though all aspects of male health and well being are in decline, there is no Council On Men and Boys nor a Federal Office On Mens Health while women now have at least seven. Masculinity (masculine) is, according to Collins Dictionary: "having qualities regarded as characteristic of men and boys, as strength, vigor, boldness, etc., manly, virile."1. Sophocles, in his work, Antigone, described man (mankind): "Numberless are the world's wonders, but none More wonderful than man; the storm grey sea Yields to his prows, the huge crests bear him high; Earth, holy and inexhaustible, is graven With shining furrows where his plows have gone Year after year, the timeless labor of stallions. The lightboned birds and beasts that cling to cover, The little fish lighting their reaches of dim water, All are taken, tamed in the net of his mind; The lion on the hill, the wild horse windy-maned, Resign to him; and his blunt yoke has broken The sultry shoulders of the mountain bull. Words also, and though as rapid as air, He fashions to his good use; statecraft is his, And his the skill that deflects the arrows of snow, The Spears of winter rain; from every wind He has made himself secure-from all but one: In the late wind of death he cannot stand. Of clear intelligence, force beyond all measure! O fate of man, working both good and evil! When the laws are kept, how proudly his city stands! When the laws are broken, what of his city then? Never may the anarchic man find rest at my hearth, Never be it said that my thoughts are his thoughts." 2. "In many cultures, the basic characteristics of masculinity include physical prowess (strength, fitness, and lack of laziness), courage, wisdom, and honorable or righteous behavior.. The opposite may be expressed in terms such as unmanly or epicene. A typical near-synonym of masculinity is virility (from Latin vir , man; and the usual compliment is femininity." 3. "Cicero wrote that " a man's chief quality is courage." Ancient literature descriptive of these manly qualities goes back to about 3000 BCE. It includes both explicit statements of what was expected of men in laws and implicit suggestions in myths involving gods and heroes. In 1000 BCE, The Hebrew Bible states that King David of Israel told his son: " Be strong, and be a man" upon David's death." 4. "Scholars suggest integrity and equality as masculine values in male-male relationships and virility in male-female relationships. Legends of ancient heroes include: The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Iliad and the Odyssey. Such narratives are considered to reveal qualities in the hero that inspired respect like wisdom or courage, the knowing of things that other men do not know and the taking of risks that other men would not dare." 5. The following is a relevant partial quote from Homer's work, The Iliad, entitled: The Death of Hector: "Thus to their bulwarks, smit with panic fear, The herded Ilians rush like driven deer; There safe they wipe the briny drops away, And drown in bowls the labour of the day. Close to the walls advancing o'er the fields Beneath one roof of well-compacted shields, March bending on the Greeks' embodied powers, Far-stretching in the shade of Trojan towers. Great Hector singly staid; chain'd down by Fate, There fix'd he stood before the Scaean gate; Still his bold arms determined to employ, The guardian still of long-defended Troy. Apollo now to tired Achilles turns; (The power confess'd in all his glory burns.) And what (he cries) has Peleus son in view, With mortal speed a godhead to pursue? For not to thee to know the gods is given, Unskill'd to trace the latent marks of Heaven. What boots thee now, that Troy forsook the plain? Vain thy past labour, and thy present vain: Safe in her walls are now her troops bestow'd, While here thy frantic rage attacks a god. The chief incensed-Too partial god of day! To check my conquest the middle way; How few in Ilion else had refuge found! What gasping numbers now had bit the ground! Thous robb'st me of a glory justly mine, Powerful of godhead, and of fraud divine: Mean fame, alas! for one of heavenly strain, To cheat a mortal who repines in vain. Then to the city, terrible and strong, With high and haughty steps he tower'd along. So the proud courser , victor of the prize, To the near goal with double ardour flies. Him, as he blazing shot across the field, The careful eyes of Priam first beheld. Not half so dreadful rises to the sight, Through the thick gloom of some tempestuous night, Orion's dog (the year when autumn weights,) And o'er the feeble stars exerts his rays: Terrific glory! for his burning breath Taints the red air with fevers, plagues, and death. So flamed his fiery mail. Then wept the sage; He strikes his reverend head now white with age: He lifts his wither'd arms; obtests the skies; He calls his much-loved son with feeble cries: The son resolved Achilles force to dare, Full at the Scaen gate expects the war: While the sad father on the rampart stands, And thus adjures him with extended hands:"------6. ---------------- "Fierce at the word his weighty sword he drew And all-collected on Achilles flew So Jove's bold bird, high balanced in the air, stoops from the clouds to truss the quivering hare. Nor less Achilles his fierce soul prepares; Before his breast the flaming shield he bears, Refulgent orb! above his fourfold cone The gilded horse-hair sparkled in the sun, Nodding at every step (Vulcanian frame!) And as he moved his figure seem'd on flame. As radiant Hesper shines with keener light, Far beaming o'er the silver host of night, When all the starry train emblaze the sphere: So shone the point of great Achilles' spear. In his right hand he waves the weapon round, Eyes the whole man, and meditates the wound: But the rich mail Patroclus lately wore, Securely ceased the warrior's body o'er! One place at length he spies to let in Fate, Where 'twixt the neck and throat the jointed plate Gave entrance: through that penetrable part Furious he drove the well-directed dart: Nor pierced the windpipe yet, nor took the power Of speech, unhappy! from thy dying hour. Prone on the field the bleeding warrior lies, While thus the triumphing stern Achilles cries: At last is Hector stretch'd upon the plain, Who fear'd no vengeance for Patroclus slain? Then, prince, you should have fear'd what now you feel; Achilles absent was Achilles still. Yet a short space the great avenger stay'd, Then low in dust thy strength and glory laid. Peaceful he sleeps with all our rites adorn'd, For ever honour'd, and for ever mourn'd: While cast to all the rage of hostile power, Thee birds shall mangle and the dogs devour. Then Hector, fainting at the approach of death: By thy own soul! by those who gave thee breath! By all the sacred prevalence of prayer! Ah, leave me not for Grecian dogs to tear! The common rites of sepulture bestow, To soothe a father's and mother's woe; Let their large gifts procure an urn at least, And Hector's ashes in his country rest." 7. "All human cultures seem to encourage the development of gender roles, through literature, costume and song. Some examples of ths might include the epics of Homer, the King Arthur tales in English,the normative commentaries of Confucius. More specialized treatments of masculinity may be found in such works such as the Bhagavad Gita or bushidos Hagakure (Wikipedia-masculinity)." 8. "A great deal is now known about the development of masculine characteristics and the process of sexual differentiation specific to the reproductive system of Homo Sapiens." 9. "Humans exhibit sexual dimorphism (two forms)(a term for the phenotypic differences between the males and females of the same species) in many characteristics, many of which have no direct link to reproductive ability, although most of these characteristics do have a role in sexual attraction. Most expressions of sexual dimorphism in humans are found in height, weight, and body structure, though there are always examples that do not follow the overall pattern." 10. "Obvious differences between men and women include all the features related to reproductive role, notably the endocrine (hormonal) systems and their physical, psychological and behavioral effects, including gonadal differentiation, internal and external genital and breast differentiation, and differentiation of muscle mass, height, and hair distribution."11. "For example, men tend to be taller than women but there are many people of both genders who are in the mid-height range for the species."12.
1. Bork, Robert H. (1995) Slouching Towards Gomorrah-Modern Liberalism and American Decline, p. 193.
1.Men's Rights, Wikipedia, page 1,,Retrieved December 7, 2011
2. Ibid., page 1.
3. Ibid., page 2.
4. Ibid., page 2.
5. Ibid., page 2.
6. Feminism, Wikipedia, p. 1.,, accessed on September 20, 2016
7. Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Act I, scene iii, lines 78–80. Polonius is speaking to Laertes.
American Men and the US Astrological Chart
1."Sex and the Outer Planets", Barbara H. Watters, July 1, 2010, American Federation of Astrologers, Inc., Tempe, AZ.
2. Ibid.
Chapter 1. Masculinity
1. Collins Dictionary (on line),, accessed on June 10, 2015.
2. Sophocles, Antignone
3. Masculinity, Wikipedia,, page 1, accessed on August 9, 2011.
4. Ibid., p. 2.
5. Ibid., p. 2.
6. The Death of Hector, from The Iliad, by Homer; "The Portable Greek Reader", Editor, W.H. Auden, New York, The Viking Press, 1948, p.202-203.
7. Ibid., p. 213-214.
8. Ibid., <3>, p. 4.
9. Ibid., p.4.
10. Man, Wikipedia, http://wikipedia.or/wiki/Man, page 2, accessed on August 22, 2011.
11. Sex Differences in Humans, Wikipedia,, page 1, accessed on May 19, 2012.
12. Ibid., <10>, p. 2.
Chapter 2. Biology and Gender
1.. Sex Differences in humans, Wikipedia,, page 2, accessed on May 19, 2012.
2. Ibid. p. 3.
3. Ibid.
4. Man,Wikipedia, http://wikipedia.or/wiki/Man, p. 2, accessed on August 22, 2011.
5. Masculinity, Wikipedia,, p. 4. , accessed on August 9, 2011.
6. Ibid., <4>, p. 3.
7. Ibid., <1>, p. 3.
8. Ibid., <5>, p. 4.
9. Ibid., <4>, p. 2.
10. Ibid., <1>, pp. 3-4.
11. Ibid., <1>, p. 1.
12. Men's Health Issues, Questions and Facts: Doctor-Reviewed Information at Yahoo! Health, page 4,, accessed on February 27, 2012.
13. Ibid., <1>, p. 4.
14. Ibid., <1>, pp. 4-5.
15. Ibid., <1>, p. 5.
16. Ibid.
17. Ibid. pp. 5-6.
18. Ibid. p. 6.
19. Ibid.
20. Ibid. pp. 6-7.
21. Ibid. p. 9.
22. Ibid. p. 9.
23. Ibid. p. 8.
24. How Male and Female Brains Differ, WebMD,, pp. 1-2, accessed on June 29, 2015.
25. Differences Between Male Female Brains, page 2,,, accessed on August 22, 2011.
26. Ibid., <1>, p. 8.
27. Ibid., p. 9.
28. Ibid.
29. Ibid
30. " Dr. Paul Irwing: 'There are twice as many men as women with an IQ of 120-plus' ", p.1,The Independent,, accessed on May 19,2012.
31. Sex Differences in Mathematical Reasoning Ability More Facts, p.1., C.P. Benbow and JC Stanley, Science,Vol. 222 no. 4627, December 2, 1983,, accessed July 13, 2015.
32. IQ Test Scores: The Basics of IQ Score Interpretation, pp. 1-2, EDUBLOX,, accessed on August 27, 2011.
Chapter 3. Men's Health
1. Men's Health, Men's Health Issues, Questions and Facts: Doctor-Reviewed Information at Yahoo! Health, p. 1.,, accessed on February 27, 2012.
2.Sex Differences in humans, Wikipedia,, p. 12, accessed on May 19, 2012.
3. Ibid., <1>, p. 1.
4. Twenty Four Indicators of Systemic Discrimination Against Men,, p.1.,, accessed on June 28, 2013.
5. Ibid., <1>, p. 1.
6. Health , Menstuff,p. 1,, accessed on February 27, 2012.
7 Anatomy of Matriarchy Gynocentric Consummation, Rebuking Feminism, p. 4.,, accessed on October 3, 2011.
8. 2nd MALE STUDIES CONFERENCE A SUCCESS, Rebuking Feminism, p. 5.,, accessed on October 3, 2011.
9. Health, Menstuff. The National Men's Resource, p. 1,, accessed on February 27, 2012.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid., <4>, p. 1.
12. Ibid., <1>, p. 5.
13. Masculinity, Wikipedia,, p. 6. , accessed on August 9, 2011.
14. Ibid., <6>, p. 1.
15, Ibid., <4>, p. 1.
16. Men and Women FAQ, The Evolution of the Sexes, p. 5., Martin Sewell,, accessed on May 19, 2012.
17. Ibid., <4>, p. 2.
18. Ibid., <1>, p. 1.
19. Ibid., <1>, pp. 1-2.
20. Ibid., <1>, p. 4.
21. Ibid., <1>, p. 2.
22. Ibid., <1>, p. 4.
23. Ibid., <1>, pp. 4-5.
24. Ibid., <1>, p. 5.
25. Ibid., <1>, p. 5.
26. Ibid., <1>, p. 5.
27. Ibid., <2>, p. 11.
28. Ibid., <2>, pp. 11-12.
Chapter 4. Masculinity in Decline
1. The Feminization of American Culture, Vital Signs, p. 1.,, accessed on November 20, 2011.
2. The Demise of the American Male and its Effect on National Security, The Demise of the American Male, p. 3, Ralph de Plume, http://thedemiseofthe,accessed on November 15, 2011.
3. Europe's Men Are Too Feminine and Can't Defend Their Women from 'Rapefugees' , Russia Insider, pp. 2-3, Iben Thranholm,, accessed on July 23, 2017.
4.. Masculinity, Wikipedia,, p. 3. , accessed on August 9, 2011.
5.. The Sperm Count Has Been Decreasing Steadily for Many Years in Western Industrialized Countries: Is there an Endocrine Basis for this Decrease?, The Internet Journal of Urology ISSN:1528-8390, page 2., Shiva Dindyal, 2004, Volume 2, Number 1; , accessed on September 1, 2011.
6. Ibid., <5>, p. 2.
7. Sperm count falling sharply in developed world, researchers say ,Reuters, Kate Kelland, p .1., July 25, 2017,, accessed on July 26, 2017.
8. Ibid., <5>, p .2.
9. Ibid., <7>, p. 2.
Chapter 5. Women's Suffrage and Women's Privilege
1. Women's Suffrage, Wikipedia,, p. 1., accessed on August 1, 2011.
2. Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, Wikipedia,, p. 1., accessed on August 1, 2011.
3. Ibid., p.2.
4.Twenty Four Indicators of Systemic Discrimination Against Men,, p. 2.,, accessed on June 28, 2013.
5. Independent voters are more likely to be highly educated and male , PRLOG , p. 1, , accessed on December 7, 2015.
6. Of Women , by Arthur Schopenhauer, from the Men's Tribune, p. 1., ,, accessed on September 16, 2011.
7. The Politics of Aristotle, The Spartan Women , p. 1 ., Aristotle, , accessed on September 16, 2011.
8. Ibid., <1>, p. 1.
9. The Men's Tribune , Editor: Spartacus; p. 1.,, accessed on December 22, 2015
10. Politics, Aristotle, Book 2, Chapter IX, Wikisource ,, accessed on December 22, 2015.
Chapter 6. Government and Feminism
1. Twenty Four Indicators of Systemic Discrimination Against Men,, p. 1.,, accessed on June 28, 2013.
2. Anatomy of Matriarchy Gynocentric Consummation, Rebuking Feminism, p. 2. , Thomas Jefferson, , accessed October 3, 2011.
3. Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, Wikipedia,, p. 1., accessed on August 1, 2011.
4. Ibid., <2> , p. 5.
5. Ibid., <2>, p. 4.
6. Ibid., <2>, p. 1.
7. Ibid., <1>, p. 2 .
8.. Ibid., <2>, p. 1.
9. Ibid., <2>, p. 3.
10. Ibid., <2>, p. 5.
11. Men's Rights, Wikipedia, p. 7., accessed on December 7, 2011,
12. Ibid., <2>, p. 2.
13. Ibid., <2>, p. 3.
14, Ibid., <2>, p. 3.
15. Ibid., <2>, pp. 2-3.
16. File: U.S. incarceration rate 1925 onwards.png, Wikimedia , pp. 1-4, accessed on February 22, 2016,
17. Ibid., <2>, p. 4.
18. Ibid., <2>, p. 4.
19. Ibid., <2>, p. 6.
20. Masculinity, Wikipedia,, p. 1, accessed on August 9, 2011.
21. Ibid., p .2.
22. Ibid., p. 2.
Chapter 7. Feminism and the Law
1. American Communism and the Making of Women's Liberation, p.1, Henry Makow, Ph.D , , accessed on January 22, 2013.
2, Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young ( 2006),Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination against Men., Ithaca, McGill-Queen's University Press, p. 311.
3. Ibid., p. 312.
4. Feminist Jurisprudence, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, p.1 http://www/,accessed on July 15, 2012.
5. The Language of Violence: Feminist Legal Theory, p. 1.,, accessed on March 14, 2016.
6. Ibid., p. 1.
7. Ibid., <4>, p. 1.
8. Ibid., <4>, p. 1.
9. Ibid., <4>, pp. 1-2.
10. Feminist Gulag: No Prosecution Necessary 3., Stephen Baskerville, The New American, January 7, 2010, dad4justice, January 9, 2010, pp. 1-2,, accessed on December 26, 2011.
11. Men's Rights, Wikipedia, p. 7., accessed on December 7, 2011,
12. ibid., <10>, p. 4.
13. Ibid., <11>, p. 7.
14. The Demise of the American Male and its Effect on National Security, The Demise of the American Male, p. 2, Ralph de Plume, http://thedemiseofthe,accessed on November 15, 2011.
15. Ibid., pp. 3-4.
16, Ibid., <10>, p. 4.
17. Twenty Four Indicators of Systemic Discrimination Against Men,, p. 2 .,, accessed on June 28, 2013.
18. Ibid., <10>, p. 2.
19. Men and Women FAQ The Evolution of the Sexes, p.5, Martin Sewell,, accessed on May 19, 2012.
20. Ibid., <2>, p. 221.
21. Ibid., <2>, p. 222.
22. Feminism is a Mental Disorder, Objectify Chicks Defeating Feminism by Revealing Feminism, pp. 2-3 ,, accessed on December 27, 2011.
23. Ibid., <10>., p. 3.
24. Ibid., <2>, p. 246.
25. Ibid., <2>, p. 245.
26. Ibid., <10>, p. 2.
27. Ibid., <10>, p. 3.
28. Ibid., <11>, p. 4.
29. Ibid., <11>, p. 4.
30. Ibid., <11>, p. 5.
31. Ibid., <10>, p. 3.
32. Ibid., <11.>, p. 5.
33. Ibid., < 11>, p. 5.
34. Ibid., <11>, p. 6.
35. Ibid., <11>, p. 6.
36. Ibid., <11>, p. 6.
37. Ibid., <11>, p. 8.
Chapter 11. Feminisms Effect on the Educational System
1.The Feminization of American Culture, Vital Signs, p. 1.,, accessed on November 20, 2011.
2.The Demise of the American Male and its Effect on National Security, The Demise of the American Male, p. 1., Ralph de Plume, http://thedemiseofthe,accessed on November 15, 2011.
3. Men's Rights, Wikipedia, p. 6., accessed on December 7, 2011,
4. Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young ( 2006),Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination against Men., Ithaca, McGill-Queen's University Press, p.282
5. Robert Bork on radical feminism. from Slouching Towards Gomorrah-Modern Liberalism and American Decline, a book by Robert H. Bork, pp. 9-14.,, accessed on August 21, 2012.
6. Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young ( 2006),Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination against Men.,Ithaca, McGill-Queen's University Press, p. 285.
7. Ibid., p. 272.
8. Ibid., pp. 276-277.
9. Ibid., p. 277.
10. Ibid., pp. 277-278.
11. Discrimination against Boys in Education ( and Elsewhere), p. 1., by Roger E. Olson, February 5, 2013, , accessed on July 2, 2013.
12. Education and Feminism, pp. 1-3.,, accessed on August 21, 2012.
13. Twenty Four Indicators of Systemic Discrimination Against Men,, pp. 2-3 .,, accessed on June 28, 2013.
14. The Crisis of the Disappearing Educated Male, by Janice Shaw Crouse, Concerned Women for America, pp. 1-2,, accessed on September 9, 2013.
Chapter 12. The Marital Relationship
1. Marriage, Wikipedia, ,p. 1., accessed on September 16, 2012.
2. Ibid., p. 3.
3. Ibid., p. 1.
4. Marriage in the United States, Wikipedia, USA , p. 1., accessed on September 16, 2012.
5. Ibid., p. 3.
6. Ibid., p.1.
7. Marriage Rate Declines and Marriage Age Rises, p. 1. by D'Vera Cohn, Pew Research Center, Pew Social and Demographic Trends, December 14, 2011,, accessed on December 15,2011.
8. Ibid., pp. 1-2.
9. Marriage: More Than a Century of Change, p. 1., by Julissa Cruz, NCFMR Family Profiles,,
accessed on August 15, 2016.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid. p. 2.
13. Ibid.
14. Should We Pay to Fertilize Women's Barren Wombs?, Rebuking Feminism, http://, page 2, accessed on October 3, 2011.
15. Ibid., pp. 3-4.
16. Divorce in the United States, Wikipedia, (United_ States), p. 1, accessed on July 30, 2012.
17. Divorce Rates, Americans for Divorce Reform,, page 2, accessed on July 30, 2012.
18, Divorce in America-Tocqueville for the 21st Century, (link is no longer valid), pp. 1-3, accessed on July 30, 2012.
19. Ibid., <17>, p. 6.
20. Ibid., <16>, p. 1.
21. Quick Facts: America and divorce , Press TV, March 17, 2011,, p 1 , accessed on July 30, 2012.
22. Ibid., <9>, p. 1.
23. Ibid,, <16>, p. 1.
24. Ibid., <21>, pp. 1-2.
25. Wedded Abyss, Tying the Knot in the Age of Marriage 2.0,, pp. 2-5, accessed on October 13, 2012.
26. Ibid., <21>., p. 2.
27. Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young ( 2006),Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination against Men.,Ithaca, McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 131-132.
28. .Men's Rights, Wikipedia, page 2. , Retrieved December 7, 2011 from
29. Ibid., <27>., pp. 133-134.
30. Ibid., <27>., pp. 143-144.
31. Feminist Gulag: No Prosecution Necessary ., Stephen Baskerville, The New American, dad4justice, January 9, 2010, pp. 3-4,, accessed on December 26, 2011.
32. Ibid., <27>, p.144.
33. Ibid., <27>, p. 150.
34. 2nd Male Studies Conference a Success, Rebuking Feminism, June 8, 2011, p. 8.,, accessed on October 3, 2011.
35. Anatomy of Matriarchy & Gynocentric Consummation, Rebuking Feminism, pp. 3-4.,, accessed on October 3, 2011.
36. Ibid., p. 3.
37. Ibid., <34>., p. 8.
38. Twenty Four Indicators of Systemic Discrimination Against Men,, p. 3.,, accessed on June 28, 2013.
39. Feminism is a Mental Disorder, Objectify Chicks Defeating Feminism by Revealing Feminism, p. 2 ,, accessed on December 27, 2011.
40. Men and Women FAQ The Evolution of the Sexes, p .5, Martin Sewell,, accessed on May 19, 2012.
41. Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young ( 2006),Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination against Men.,Ithaca, McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 233-234..
42. Ibid., <39>, pp. 2-3.
43. Ibid., <31>, p. 3 .
44. Ibid., <31>, p. 3.
45. Ibid., <28>, p. 5.
46. Ibid., <28>, p. 5.
47. Ibid., <31>, p. 3.
48, Ibid., <31>, p. 4.
49. Ibid., <31>, p. 4.
50. Ibid., <28>, p. 5.
51. Ibid., <28>, p. 5.
52. Ibid., <41>, p. 151.
53. Ibid., <25>, p. 5.
54. Ibid., <7>, p. 1.
Chapter 13. Foreign Brides
1. Only Marry Foreign Women, Stay Away from American Women, pp. 1-7,, accessed on December 19, 2012.
2, International Marriage Broker Regulation Act, Wikipedia, p. 1.,, accessed on November 12, 2013.
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